Tulsa Aikido Club
Teaching Aikido Since 1985
About Aikido
the art of peace
Aikido is a powerful, effective, and sophisticated martial art that focuses on personal development as well as self-defense. Aikido was developed in the mid-20th century by Morihei Ueshiba O Sensei based on his studies of traditional Japanese martial arts, in particular Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu.
Rather than struggle with an attacker, the aikido practitioner learns to move skillfully to neutralize an attack in a way that avoids serious harm to the attacker. The attack is neutralized through precisely timed movement, proper spacing, and a variety of martial techniques intended to control rather than harm the attacker. Because of its focus on movement and redirection of force rather than physical stature or muscular strength, men and women of every age, size and shape can learn aikido.
Aikido training fosters mental confidence, physical grace and generosity of spirit. Many aikido practitioners find aikido to be useful in their everyday lives. For example, aikido practitioners develop a relaxed and centered manner that can help them resolve everyday conflict calmly and effectively. Also, aikido’s emphasis on neutralizing an attack rather than defeating an opponent engenders an attitude that seeks to resolve conflict through win-win solutions. In fact, aikido serves as a model for several systems of conflict resolution.
Aikido training is noncompetitive. Classes are conducted in an atmosphere of cooperative learning, safety, and integrity and at a pace commensurate with the abilities of individual students. The focus on cooperative training rather than competition allows aikido students to practice potentially dangerous techniques with reduced risk of injury.